Friday, September 12, 2008

2020 Visions Discussion

The interactive Adventure Learning environment described in Encompassing Education (Walczak, 2002) is comparable to Malone’s Motivation Theory. Iona, the 12 year-old student, is challenged to learn about a new environment/eco-system; her curiosity is aroused because it is a new experience; Iona has control because her teachers receive feedback from her educational exercises via her brain scan, and she subsequently chooses another exercise/learning task to perform (DNA model); and the fantasy is that she is learning about the Caudipteryx hatchlings via the Tangitrek. The Adventure Learning environment also employs discovery learning because the learner is self-directed in exploring her virtual environment and is compelled to make her own choices for further research.

I would include the constructivist learning strategies Transfer of Learning and Cooperative/Collaborative Learning to augment the training given in the Adventure Learning experience (Alessi & Trollip 2001). The information learned by Iona should have some application outside of the context of the Tangitrek and it would heighten the learning experience of her and her classmate-peers to discuss their lessons learned, and their perceptions of the learning experience.

References: Alessi, S. & Trollip, S. (2001). Multimedia for learning: methods and development. 3rd Edition. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.Walczak, D.P. (2002). Encompassing education.

In Department of Commerce, Visions 2020: Transforming education and training through advanced technologies. Retrieved September 5, 2008 from,


Rose said...

Any chance a student gets to reflect and discuss their learning experiences enhances their ability to retain knowledge. This holds true in traditional settings as well as in the Tangitrek. Would you agree?

Jody Ranous said...

Stephany - I enjoyed are chat the other night and I have to agree with you that there should be some application to what they are learning outside of the Tangitrek.


L.D.B said...

Hello Stephany,

We are in the middle of development of a variety of new technologies in the classroom. What do you think will be some of the new technologies present in the 2020 classroom?