Thursday, September 18, 2008

Collaborative - Informal Web-Based Learning

The blog listed below, entitled I’ll Have a Cappuccino U", illustrates not only web-based learning of literature by an individual student, it also shows it being done as a collaborative effort between multiple learners.

I’ll Have a Cappuccino U" Posted by Bryan Zug - 2006/11/26

Via Harold Jarche this AM comes a link to a free pdf book called “Cappuccino U” (.pdf) by Jerome Martin and published by Spotted Cow Press.


Rhodes-O'Neill said...

How do you see the "third place" in terms of education? This blogger discussed an author who focused on learning outside of the educational system, but the relevance of receiving email updates on lectures and book titles (from Oprah?) can be applied to education today.

Researcher said...

Capuccino U. is reflective of George Siemens Connectivism theory. We learn from our network which includes formal, informal, and community learning.